Shuang Chen

Scientific Advisor

Over three decades of industrial experiences in technologies innovation, artificial intelligence, software, large-scale internet systems, entrepreneurship, and business executive leadership.

Dr. Chen started his research career in AI in 1980’s. Previously a senior R/D leader in IBM Watson Research, the founding CEO of an internet venture, the Chief Engineer of the world's largest e-ticketing system project (designed for 5 billion tickets annually for China's high-speed railway network). Later he launched the first and the largest e-ticketing cloud services to intercity bus operators in China (an annual 20 billion tickets market). He received the “Top 50 Chinese Americans in Business” award in New York State. He holds PhD in Computer Engineering from Rutgers University and studied EMBA at the Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania. Author of 25+ patents, a frequent speaker in global industrial conferences.